Claudia Dunn Mitts Scholarship Endowment

Claudia Dunn Mitts Scholarship Endowment

Through a testamentary gift, the late Claudia Dunn Mitts provided a scholarship endowment at Arkansas State University’s Jonesboro campus in memory of Mrs. Mitts, her husband Ollie Edward Mitts, her parents Walter Frederick Dunn and Dollie Keton Dunn, and her brother Ross Dunn. Mrs. Mitts was a graduate of Swifton High School and attended Arkansas State University (then College) at Jonesboro and Draughons School of Business in Little Rock. She was a long-time member of the Somers Avenue Church of Christ in North Little Rock, Arkansas, and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees. Mrs. Mitts retired as a Certified Senior Engineering Technician from the Little Rock District of the Corps of Engineers. Among her many accomplishments, she was the first woman to serve as an officer of the Arkansas Post Society of American Military Engineers.


Thank you letter should be addressed to the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
